Bloxx at The Borderline - 22/11/18

Despite only releasing a handful of singles, Bloxx’s show at The Borderline in Soho sold out. After supporting the likes of Sundara Karma, The Wombats and Pale Waves, this lively indie-rock band have embarked on their own tour, bringing more energy to the stage than ever. The Borderline has been host to giants of the industry like PJ Harvey, Lenny Kravitz and Suede in their early days, which could hopefully foreshadow Bloxx's own success.
As soon as the band walked on the stage, the crowd erupted. Almost instantly, Bloxx had the audience in the palm of their hand. Front woman, Ophelia, merely had to make a small gesture and fans were jumping and singing every word back to her. The show opened with ‘Curtains’, an angsty expression of conflict, followed by the upbeat likes of ‘Lay Down’ ‘Monday’ and ‘Novocain’. Their older songs ‘Coke’, ‘Boyfriend’, and the finale ‘You’ generated a reaction that well-established bands would have been proud of. Bloxx's small and passionate following shows that there is huge potential for their future.
Despite some slight technical difficulties involving their guitar strings, the band remained true professionals and carried on the set as best as they could. By this point, the crowd was so hypnotised by Bloxx’s enthusiasm and passion that this did not impact their brilliant performance at all. Their climatic instrumental breaks between songs created the atmosphere of a grungy rock show amongst their indie tracks.

The band was clearly humbled by the audience’s response, offering to stay behind to take pictures with fans and sign merch. Seeing artists who care so much about the people who are invested in their music and allow them to progress is always encouraging. I managed to have a very brief chat with front-woman Ophelia in passing after the show, telling her how brilliant they were, to which she replied ‘thank you so much! Thank you so much for coming!’. It was clear how much she appreciated talking to the fans, which made them feel like they belonged.
Seeing a female-fronted band growing in success within the industry is refreshing, especially after recent controversies surrounding the male-dominated Reading and Leeds Festival line-up. Music fans have been adamant that changes need to be made for women to succeed. Artists like Ellie Rowsell from Wolf Alice has also been encouraging girls to pursue musical careers to help counter the extreme male-domination in the industry. Hopefully, Bloxx will be one of the bands that helps make this change.
Photocredit: Bloxx's Twitter & Daisy Dickeson