LANY Play To Packed Audience at Eventim Apollo
Photo by Ana Oancea
The American pop band LANY definitely has a large fanbase throughout the world, and their worldwide presence was felt in Hammersmith’s Eventim Apollo on the 29th of September. In front of me, a group of fans who had come in from Italy that morning, had a bouquet of flowers ready to throw on stage, as has become a tradition during LANY’s shows. These fans, as well as many of the other fans we spoke to that night, had already seen LANY perform live multiple times and were excited for the show they were about to see. Honestly, I do not think a single LANY fan was disappointed by the performance that they saw that night. However, I personally found LANY’s performance to be slightly underwhelming. As can often be an issue with pop music, at times LANY’s setlist felt a bit too simplistic, repetitive, and generic.
Despite this, LANY’s easily digestible music is definitely fun to sing along to, and the crowd seemed to know every lyric that Paul Klein sang. The light display behind the band also added an appreciated level of visual appeal, with the Eventim Apollo’s sound system making Jake Goss’s drumming sound punchy and anthemic. While LANY didn’t personally wow me with their performance, they gave diehard fans who hadn’t been able to see them live due to pandemic restrictions the show that they craved.