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Alfie Woodhead
Sep 17, 20204 min read
Cinema in Lockdown: An Abundance of Time
What is a film student to do if suddenly presented with an abundance of time? The answer seems obvious at first: Unearth your...

Ollie Macnaughton
Sep 16, 20204 min read
The Projector Grows Dim
As London went dark once lockdown began, one of the many thoughts that raced through my mind was what would happen to cinemas. Much has...

Maria Makurat
Sep 15, 20203 min read
Cinema in lockdown – a big change for us?
I have always been someone prone to re-watching episodes of Friends for the hundredth time – especially the one where Ross and Rachel...

Malina Aniol
Sep 14, 20203 min read
The whimsical world of cinema on wheels
Cinema is a place that brings back magic to your life when you have lost it. You fall into the soft red chair, hear the chatter fading...

Aybike Ceren Kahveci
Sep 13, 20204 min read
A Cinema of One's Own
I am the kind of person that sets aside multiple days of the week to go see a movie at the cinema. Even the process of getting the ticket...

Hanna Pham
Sep 12, 20203 min read
The Enduring Relevance of Parasite in Lockdown
‘Parasite’ by Bong Joon-ho is a mammoth of cinema. Its intricate eye to detail and multi-layered storytelling led to it becoming the...

Emma Short
Sep 11, 20204 min read
Netflix can’t match the Charm of Independent Cinemas
Lockdown made us all reconnect with our roots. Driving home from London on the 18th March, my car piled high with boxes of hastily packed...

Olivia Hall
Sep 10, 20203 min read
It’s Not All Bad: Lockdown Cinema and The Evolution of Film
Stanley Kubrick famously claimed that ‘the best education in film is to make one.’ In this rare departure from his infamous cynicism, he...

Carla Suarez
Sep 9, 20203 min read
A Cinematic Journey in Paris (under lockdown)
As I walked out of a late screening of Little Women by Greta Gerwig at Les 3 Luxembourg, an independent cinema located near Odéon in the...

Juliette Howard
Sep 8, 20205 min read
The Cinematic Pendulum
I have a habit of repeat watching, and sometimes this is for a purpose I believe to be valid. When people kept praising Call Me By Your...
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