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Jeanne May Desurmont

'Punchy! The Musical': Exploring the Young and Vulnerable in 1950s London

Forget the glitter and the jazz hands, Punchy! The Musical is all about the blues, waves of sadness, joy, and everything in between.

George, "Punchy", played by Robert Hook, struggles to find his place in the world, in the absence of his mother and despise from his father. Guided or misguided by the appearance of his Ego and his Soul in a post-war London between bad decisions and drinks, he attempts to navigate through his demons to transform himself.

Punchy! The Musical benefits from the intimacy of the Courtyard Theatre, which allows the audience to connect and to reflect upon each character more profoundly. Punchy’s story is inspired by the songwriter and bandleader, Jack Terroni’s mother and her childhood in 1950s Islington. The struggles between his Ego and Soul to choose the best path are universally relatable. In addition, the simplicity of the musical makes it incredibly human.

The historical post-war working-class context and decor is entangled with the modern use of lights, creating an interesting theatrical production that transcends the past and present. The stage is colourful, lively and an integral part of the show. The music, played by an on-stage blues band adds a new dimension to the play and the audience is immersed in the world of Punchy. It bends the conventional image of the musical and sets an interesting debut of this bold move from the genre. While, Punchy! can be classified more as a play rather than a musical, the songs compliment the story very well, making you wish they were more incorporated in the show.

Dealing with mental health, loss and parental abuse, Punchy tackles serious contemporary issues without falling into exaggerated pity. It is also a story about love, redemption, and growth. While the dichotomy between good and bad is pretty simple and Punchy! would have been a groundbreaking theatre piece if it took the opportunity to explore deeper the shades and nuances of grey of the human condition. Yet, 90 minutes flew by quickly and the themes addressed allowed the public to reflect on their own experiences and battles between their Soul and Ego.

Punchy! is a musical that I would recommend to anybody who wants to spend a pleasant moment far from chaos and crowds. Despite its small size and modest story, it does not fail to be impactful. Punchy! The Musical constantly reminds everyone of the power we have over our lives and that every choice we make, how small and insignificant they can be, have consequences on the courses of other’s lives and ours.


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